Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Poetry and Prose of Edgar Allen Poe - 2196 Words

Art is in everything. Artists can be experts with a paintbrush, phenomenal with piano or a master of their pen. Authors and poets have a chance to manipulate words like no other artist can. Poets in particular can use their words to encompass different kinds of art by painting a picture with lyrical rhythm and imagery. Poets may be common, but for their poetry to be timeless it must be universally relatable. Edgar Allen Poe is regarded as one of the most famous poets in American history due to his well renowned debauchery, gothic tales of terror, and poems which are taught in schools and still analyzed today. Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts in the early nineteenth century. It is well known that Poe endured a difficult†¦show more content†¦Each category had a surplus of corresponding poems. Mark Canada of University of North Carolina at Pembroke cites critic Rodger Asselineau with the quote: If Roderick Usher, Egaeus, Metzengerstein, and even Dupin are all alike, if Ligeia, Morella, and Eleonora look like sisters, it is because, whether he consciously wanted to or not, he always takes the story of his own life as a starting point, a rather empty story on the whole since he had mostly lived in his dreams, imprisoned by his neuroses and obsessed by the image of his dead mother. (Canada) This expertly defines why all of Poe’s themes were reoccurring. Another inspiration for Poe’s themes was his fascination with psychology. Phrenology is known as the study of the idea that certain functions are controlled by differing parts of the brain. In order to explore this idea, Poe used themes such as self-destruction and madness in his poetry (Canada). Based on this premise, Mark Canada explains that he believes Poe to have had a â€Å"potent right cerebral hemisphere† which is believed to be the center of vivid imagery, music, emotions and â€Å"self-destructive urges;† Poe was consistently documented to have each of these traits. Poe is also well known for his lucid imagery, lyric meter and tales of horror, depicted with rhyme and rank symbolism. Certain poems contain repeating themes that best showcase the effect of theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Edgar Allen Poe763 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe, an America writer, was known as a poet and critic but was most famous as the master of short stories, particularly tales of the mysterious and the macrabe. The literary merits of Poe’s writings have been debated since his death, but his works have continued to be popular and many American and European writers have declared their artistic debt to him. 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