Friday, December 27, 2019

The Way The Camera Grabs An Image - 950 Words

Have you ever had a friend or family member die of lung cancer, or die of a smoking related death? In America over 160,000 men and women die each year from lung cancer. That is less than the amount that have died from breast and colon cancer combined. The leading cause of lung cancer in the United States is smoking tobacco. With this high amount of deaths, a lot of companies are creating ads to get the point out. Companies such as the huffington post create ads that are filled with a message. These messages can be viewed through the symbolism of the ad, the color and position of the ad. The way the camera grabs an image can allow the reader to understand the point the publisher is trying to maker. The ad by the Huffington Post where the hand is holding a cigarette and has a shadow of a gun in the background. The front face view allows the viewer to see the problem and or situation at first hand.Due to smoking is very common the eye will attract to it because it is seen in our daily life. The angle shot causes the the shadows portion larger than the hand itself. The shadow is the gun and the effect of smoking causes large actions, such as killing a person. Also with the angle shot it allows the reader to understand the attitude that is being portrayed through the ad. We all know that death is a sad and disheartening, so with the angle shot being a sad/negative attitude. Some ways that the ad by Huffington Post shows the attitude of the ad is by the color of the ad. The adShow MoreRelatedThe Impacts of Images881 Words   |  4 Pagesand talks about how endangered they are in the current world. This advertisement contains mostly the source of pathos within it and tries to grab the attention of the audiences by tingling with their emotions towards ethics. 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