Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Project Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Assignment - Research Paper Example There have been varied views on the matter as others support it while others object to the use of identical tests in testing the competency of learners. It has been widely applied in determining the ability of a student to move to the next level. They, especially, measure a student’s ability at mastering given content. States also use the system as required by the federal laws to assess the capability of a student. Educationists have relied on standardized testing because of its perceived objectivity. This method of assessment, however, constrains the real role of leaning. This method of assessment creates an unnecessary competition that pressurizes students to overwork themselves. Research shows that it is unproductive to work under pressure. Students work under pressure in order to avoid the punishment associated with poor performance. This result to anxiety among young children as critical educational decisions are made based on standardized testing. Students end up suffering as the pressure to portray good performance weights heavily on them. Sociologists argue that perceived intellectual abilities closely relate to conception of the self. Students, therefore, who do not manifest relatively high performance, suffer from reduced self worth. The theories of sociologists, such as Emile Durkheim, propose that everyone should receive education. In this view, not only the intelligent students should receive education. This is because every person has entitlement to acquire knowledge. In addition, since education seeks to transform the whole society, eve ry individual should receive the education that is appropriate for living a worthy life. In spite of this complaint, the corporate world blames the education system for not realizing that the outside world is even more demanding than the pressure perceived in schools. In this view, standardized tests should be a means of creating consistency in learners

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