Thursday, September 19, 2019

Liberal Equality Essay -- Political Science

Throughout the ages, the principles of equality and liberty have been a subject of great disputes. Liberal minimalism [1] holds a distinct outlook in the explicit implications of these expressions. For a minimalist democracy must strive to primary reduce control of authoritarian power through restraining most if not all constraints to the individual, allowing them to dictate their own lives by implementing a representative government. In addition, it implements an equal, consistent, and indiscriminate regulation. Thus effectively preventing tyranny, and creating equality before the law, irrelevant to the citizen’s position, which denies high ranking individuals legal advantages seen during the feudal era. Accordingly, the rule of law comes across to liberals as their greatest triumph, for they perceive it as the lawful representation of equality and liberty. There are numerous critics of the liberal minimalist interpretation of equality and social liberty before the law. Such as inequalities of opportunity, and material inequality which results in exploitation. However, liberals will reject â€Å"to impose upon the public a consciously selected model of distribution, whether it promotes equality or of inequality.†[2] Numerous critics agree that capitalism in the liberal minimalist model does not depict true equality and thus is problematic. Critics such as Sherman dispute that it produces "formal equality, such as civil rights, yet presents actual ongoing inequality for employees (Sherman, 1990)[3]. Nevertheless, despite the fact that liberals may possibly appear to support significant material equity, they will be cautious of forcefully creating this result through authoritarianism on the basis of their belief.[4] The reduced goal... ...27 11, Cohen G, 1989, Labor and Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford 12, (Marx, economic and philosophical manuscripts, p.120-31, Ollman, 1971). 13 Friedman M, 1962, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago University Press 14 Frank R. and Cook P, 1996, The Winner-Take-All Society, Penguin press, New York: Penguin 15 Graham G, 2006, Postcapitalist Politics, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 16 Street, P. Capitalism and Democracy "Don't Mix Very Well", February, 2000. 17 Rothbart M, 1998, The Ethics of Liberty: chp 14, Children and Rights,. New York University press, New York 18 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago 19 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago 20 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago Liberal Equality Essay -- Political Science Throughout the ages, the principles of equality and liberty have been a subject of great disputes. Liberal minimalism [1] holds a distinct outlook in the explicit implications of these expressions. For a minimalist democracy must strive to primary reduce control of authoritarian power through restraining most if not all constraints to the individual, allowing them to dictate their own lives by implementing a representative government. In addition, it implements an equal, consistent, and indiscriminate regulation. Thus effectively preventing tyranny, and creating equality before the law, irrelevant to the citizen’s position, which denies high ranking individuals legal advantages seen during the feudal era. Accordingly, the rule of law comes across to liberals as their greatest triumph, for they perceive it as the lawful representation of equality and liberty. There are numerous critics of the liberal minimalist interpretation of equality and social liberty before the law. Such as inequalities of opportunity, and material inequality which results in exploitation. However, liberals will reject â€Å"to impose upon the public a consciously selected model of distribution, whether it promotes equality or of inequality.†[2] Numerous critics agree that capitalism in the liberal minimalist model does not depict true equality and thus is problematic. Critics such as Sherman dispute that it produces "formal equality, such as civil rights, yet presents actual ongoing inequality for employees (Sherman, 1990)[3]. Nevertheless, despite the fact that liberals may possibly appear to support significant material equity, they will be cautious of forcefully creating this result through authoritarianism on the basis of their belief.[4] The reduced goal... ...27 11, Cohen G, 1989, Labor and Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford 12, (Marx, economic and philosophical manuscripts, p.120-31, Ollman, 1971). 13 Friedman M, 1962, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago University Press 14 Frank R. and Cook P, 1996, The Winner-Take-All Society, Penguin press, New York: Penguin 15 Graham G, 2006, Postcapitalist Politics, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 16 Street, P. Capitalism and Democracy "Don't Mix Very Well", February, 2000. 17 Rothbart M, 1998, The Ethics of Liberty: chp 14, Children and Rights,. New York University press, New York 18 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago 19 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago 20 Hayek F, 1994, The Road to Serfdom, Chicago University press, Chicago

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