Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Figurative Language in Night

The Holocaust do an impact on everybodys lives but Eli Wiesel has a unrivaled of a kind story. In the novel Night written by Eli Wiesel he shares to everybody about the hardships in submergence multitudes as a young boy. He describes some of the horrible events development fgurative linguistic communication to clearly show his experiences in the Holocaust. Eli uses night to expect the horrors he witnessed around him when the prisoners are on the freezing cattle cars and overly his archetypical day in the camp.Eli uses figurative talking to to realize a better kitchen range in your mind about what he is talking about. For example when the prisoners are on the cattle car during the freezing wintertime Eli mentions, The night was growing perennial, never death (98). Eli isnt Just saying that the nights are presbyopicer in time he is implying that the hardships he is going through are getting worse and longer. Everyone at times cannot expressage an event without using fi gurative language.For face when Eli first arrives at the concentration camp he sees things that he will never get out of his mind. Never sh either I forget that night, the first night in camp that turned my life into one long night (34). Here Eli is using night as all the hardships nd he states that his life is one long night. While all of the prisoners were treated alike(p) animals and forced to fit into cattle cars, Eli says The age resembled nights and the nights left in our souls(100).Eli is stating how the horrors everybody is experiencing are never ending and also never- ending in their souls. Throughout Elis story he a great deal uses night in his figurative language to create an image of what all of the prisoners went through. The Holocaust changed lives all across the world showing that multitude will do horrible things and it also shows how strong people really are.

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