Friday, July 26, 2019

Answer the questions on the paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer the questions on the paper - Essay Example Depreciation 2,500 Acquisition 13,000 Depreciation 2,500       Balance c/d(balance sheet) 20,000    25,000    25,000             Provision for depreciation Details Ant($) Details Ant($)       Motor Van a/c 2,500 Balance c/d 5,000 P & L 2,500    5,000    5,000             Rent Expenses Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash a/c 15,000       Prepaid rent 5,000 P & L 20,000    20,000    20,000             Prepaid Rent Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Bal. b/d 5,000 Rent expenses 5,000                5,000    5,000                         Rate expenses Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Prepaid exp. 300       Cash 975 P & L 1,300    1,300    1,300             Prepaid Rate Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Balance e B/F 300 Rate expenses 300 Cash 325 Bal. c/d(balance sheet) 325    625    625             Motor Van Expenses Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash 16,200 Bal c/d 16,200    16,200    16,200                         Wages Expense Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash a/c 36,070       Accrual wage 860 P & L 36,930    36,930    36,930                                     Accrued wages account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash a/c 630 Bal. b/d 630 Bal. c/d(balance sheet) 860 Wages Exp. 860    1,490    1,490             Accounts Payables Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash a/c 71,000 Bal. b/d 22,000 Bal. c/d (Bal. ... t Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash 690 Balance B/F 620 Suspense a/c 70    690    690                                     Electricity Expense Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash 1,130 P & L 1,130    1,130    1,130                                                             Operating Expenses Account(delivery Van) Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Cash a/c 16,200 P & L 16,200                         Suspense Account Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Electricity Accrued 70 Bal c/d 70    70    70             Purchases a/c Details Ant($) Details Ant($) Bal. b/d 65,000       Cash 8,000 Sales(Cash) 25,000 Creditor 67,000 Sales(Credit) 89,000       Bal c/d(bal. sheet) 26,000    140,000    140,000 Calculation of depreciation (ANTLE, & GARSTKA, 2004).   T & T Co. COMPREHENSIVE STATEMENT FOR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31,DECEMBER 2012 $ $ Sale (Cash) 54,000 Sale (Cred it) 179,000 Total Sales Revenue 233,000 Less COG (114,000) Gross Profit 119,000 Operating Expenses Van Running Exp. 16,200.00 Rates 1,300.00 Electricity & Wages 38,060.00 Rent 20,000.00 (75,560) Net Profit before taxation 43,440 Taxation (8,688) Net Profit after taxation 34,752 T & T Co. COMPREHENSIVE STATEMENT FOR FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31,DECEMBER 2012 $ $ $ PRESENTED BY: NON CURRENT ASSETS Motor Van: Cost 25,000 : Depreciation (5,000) 20,000 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 26,000 Trade Receivable 20,600 Prepaid Expenses 325 Cash/Bank 49,730 96,655 LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade payable 18,000 Accrued Expenses 860 (18,860) 77,795 97,795 FINANCED BY: Original Capital 50,000 Profit b/d Add profit for the year Less Drawings 26,900 Unrealized profit 34,752 (20,000) 6,143 97,795 RATION ANALYSIS FOR MAGIC ENTERPRISES PLC Name 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012   Current Ratio               Interest Coverage Ratio      

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