Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Key Elements to Effective Communication Essay - 751 Words

INTRODUCTION In the society that we live in we cannot survive without communication. It is not only limited to human beings but also animals communicate to each other to pass on information. There are different forms of communication but they vary based on the message being delivered or the sender and receiver. Communication is important in every relationship and without proper communication; people can easily disagree or be misled due to lack of it or assumptions. DISCUSSION Communication is exchanging of information and this can be through speaking, using some mediums or writing. As technology advances so does the mode of communication and communicating becomes easier and faster. Communicating is also a means of sending and also†¦show more content†¦When communicating, the key thing is to make sure that the receiver gets the message the right way and the feedback is effective. In an organization there are various modes of communication and it can be through listening, speaking or in written form. Within the office as much as there may be computers, individuals with the latest technology does not mean they communicate effectively. They can fail to have the communication skill. It is sometimes the technology that causes the failure of effective communication. Within an organization, there can be cases of mailed that are dashed off and they are short and this can replaced well thought-out letters. (Picards, 2001) When especially within an organi zation how you package information to a group of people is very important. People are very different they vary in culture, age, gender, religion and sex, there the message should be straight to the point and no leaving space for assumption or leaving an individual to guess what the meaning really is. Working in an organization and able to communicative effectively as a member it is an important vehicle for one gaining the visibility and getting ahead within the organization. The right communication skill enables one to communicate competently in both the face-to-face environment and also with the virtual team members. It is basically about enhancing effective team when working with a group and work with the technology to enhance and improve the modeShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication And The Workplace1116 Words   |  5 PagesINTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE Introduction Communication occurs in the day to day life situation Hynes, G. E. (2015). People pass messages from one individual to another through communication. This makes communication to be taken for granted. 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