Sunday, November 10, 2019

“The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead” by Del Guárico

â€Å"The Secrets of Haiti’s living dead† by Del Guarico was a very interesting story o read. It shows how people of different places will believe something if they want or expect it to be true. This is especially true if it is deeply a part of their culture. In the story, this idea is illustrated through the examination of zombies in Haitian voodoo culture. The article describes a search by a Harvard student named Wade Davis for a drug causing zombie-like effects. Zombies are a fact of Haitian culture. When most people hear this they get their own perception about zombies and the culture. People in America tend to think of zombies as otherworldly and a source for tales of Horror and we are not more or less scared of the actually zombie, but the fact that we think that they can turn us into one. Davis soon finds this drug and discovers that zombies are faked in a material sense. They use the poison from the Japanese Fugu fish and other chemicals. He also found out that there is a secret society that is responsible for policing the society and the treat of zombification is a threat to keep everyone in line. He was not able to discover how common it was in Haiti He give credit for finding his answer on his approach. Some people might wonder why he wouldn't just make a general announcement and attempt to enlighten the Haitian people as to this fact. If he did that he would only be insulting they people and trying to take away the belief that they have had for hundreds of years.

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